Tuesday, May 24

Singapore Polytechnic - ROCKING MY WORLD! (Part 3)

I went for the following chalet right after the ICT Club F.O. Camp 05/06 - see Singapore Polytechnic - ROCKING MY WORLD! (Part 2).

[19-20 May 05] || Campus Crusade for Christ Combined Polytechnic Chalet between Singapore Polytechnic & Ngee Ann Polytechnic || Aloha Loyang Resort

A time of praise and worship with the Campus Crusade Worship Team

19 May - Day 1.

I arrived at the Aloha Loyang Resort in Pasir Ris/Loyang at about 3.30pm, less than an hour after I finished my camp over at the other side of the island (Singapore Polytechnic - Dover). Phew - I was tired after the 4D3N camp but at the same time excited to return to a place where bittersweet memories gather in my mind. But first I had to satisfy my tummy - thankfully the buffet lunch was still available.

I had missed most of the games they had played earlier on (the programme started at 10am but I was unable to make it so early - camp was still on). So I only joined in for the final, impromptu game of Water Bombs. I didn't get as wet as expected - probably because I was still unfamiliar with most of the freshmen who were there so I wasn't a target. Washed up later, went for a game of frisbee in the swimming pool, and washed up again. Then it was time for a sumptuous buffet dinner (Oh heavenly food! Food so good that I have not seen or tasted since the ICT Club F.O. Camp began!)

Ronald (an SP Campus Crusade staff) and I during dinner

After dinner, we gathered for an encouraging time of Praise & Worship (led by the Campus Crusade Worship Team) and the sharing of the message with the Gospel as the theme. The message was rather cute, using an anagram of a master wanting a hamster as his pet, never letting go of hope that one day the hamster would be reunited with him. In the same way, God loves us so very much and hopes that one day we will acknowledge him as our Saviour. (Aww. How sweet.) We then broke up into groups to discuss methods we would use in our endeavour to be Polytechnic Conquerors for Christ - to share the Good News of the Gospel.

Variety Night! The most fun part of the chalet! To kick the night off, "Pass-the-Parcel" was played, and the "victims" had to do stuff like drinking milk out from a baby bottle, and sucking a sour lemon and a bitter tea-bag. These were just the appetizers. Thereafter came the REAL Variety Night. First up was the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant (Aloha Loyang). We used a face painting kit to decorate our to-be models.

Left: Joshua, my group's model. Right: The crowning of Aloha Loyang's Miss Universe!

The next part of the programme was the Campus Crusade Idol Challenge, in which participants had to sing/dance to contemporary Christian music.

The Commercial Challenge ensued and we had to come up with our own interpretation/creation of a humourous commercial. My group came up with the following ad - I started by saying: "One day, on the bus..." (One girl opens burger pack... "Mmm... I'm hungry.") (Another girl nearby gets jealous and snatches with the first girl for the burger.) I end off with the snide remark: "McDonald's McSpicy Double. (tongue slurp) Irresistibly delicious."

Next up was the Manhunt Competition, in which wannabe hunks pitted themselves to see who had the most muscles. The Variety Night ended off with a impersonation of the Eagles and Jay Chou by our seniors, but the night continued without sleep for me as I tinkered on the portable keyboard along with my friends almost through the whole night.

20 May - Day 2.

After a buffet breakfast, more Praise & Worship and Thanksgiving, I was barely half-awake as I took the bus home to get a good rest for my next day's activity - memories of the great times I had fellowshipping the night before still fresh in my mind (besides the fact that I constantly almost dropped off to sleep).

Great times fellowshipping with my group!


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