Once a Hildan, ALWAYS a Hildan
I've just come back from Hildan Torch, a major event held by my secondary school to formally welcome the new cohort of Secondary One students into the Hildan family. It's so called because the highlight of the event consists of the students passing lighted candles to each other, in turn lighting their own candles placed in mini candleholders. This symbolises the passing of the "Hildan flame" - that the tradition and values of St. Hilda's will remain with them for always.
It's kind of a nostalgic experience helping out in the event by playing the piano along to a spirited rendition of the song "Welcome To The Family", performed by the student councillors and several of us ex-students of the school (Adeline, Joy and I). Being the third time the event was held, and I having helped out in the previous two years, it was nostalgic to once again feel the warmth of not only the song but also the welcome into the Hildan family.
For those who don't know yet, I'm currently waiting for my 'O' Level results (I'm not in the 1st 3 months JC programme) - so instead of slacking my brain out at home or getting myself addicted to some online games, I might as well have spent the time usefully (which I did). So now I'm helping out in the major (and some minor) events of the school (which you can see under the "Calendar of Agenda" in the sidebar to the right).
As they say, once a Hildan - always a Hildan - well, maybe not for everybody - but at least I'll have the chance to relive the good times I've had in the past four years, with the Student Council, with my schoolmates, with the teachers - with the Hildan family.
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