ROCK ON - SuPerstar: The Pop Musical
SuPerstar: The Pop Musical, is Singapore Polytechnic's first foray into the staging of a professional musical and the closing event for the President's Challenge 2006. Staged on 6 & 7 October 2006 to a sold-out crowd of over 3000, the musical received standing ovations by the full-house audience and rave reviews by high-profile members of society. The man behind the show is no other than renowned singer-songwriter-lawyer-lecturer Jimmy Ye, who has many songs and awards to his name. He is especially popular in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan.
SP MUSICAL ROX!! Love you guys - cast, crew, band and everyone else who's involved!It's been one week since the second (and last) night of the musical concluded on a high note. More than 150 days of hard work, tears and sweat (the brunt was mostly bore by Jimmy) have finally come to fruition! For me, I have really, truly, enjoyed myself as part of the musical cast. The training is tough, but success at the end is sweet. This is one event that'll forever remain in my memory. One thing's for sure - the show might have ended, but the camaraderie among us lives on... as a family of BEST FRIENDS!